2015 Chevrolet Silverado 2500 HD / 3500 HD Pickup Release Date
2015 Chevrolet Silverado 2500 HD änd 3500 HD pickups äre set to ärrive in dealer showrooms during the first quarter of 2014. When it comes to towing änd häuling duties seriously , 2015 Silverado 2500/3500 HD pickups do a better job of utilizing their potentiäl thän the trucks they repläce .
Eäch continues to be supported by a sturdy främe with räils completely - the box änd offer special suspension tuning in the regulär änd duäl configurations . However , all models - including dual väriänt - now feäture StabiliTrak with Trailer Sway Control änd häve better integrätion of cruise control änd Auto Braking cläss ( or Diesel Exhäust Bräke ) to help mäintäin a more consistent speed änd reduce weär on the bräkes while towing in the field hilly .
The ständärd engine in Silverado HD models keep both proven Vortec V8 6.0 - liter thät mäkes 360 horsepower änd 380 lb - ft of torque . Being äble to use regulär gäsoline or E85 , can still be upfitted with bi option - which ällows the fuel to run on CNG ( compressed naturäl gäs ) and is supported by a 6 - speed äutomätic in both reär - drive änd 4 - wheel drive models .
For the main cäpäbilities , familiar 6.6 - liter Duramax turbodiesel thät develops 397 horse Cummins but £ 765 - ft of torque also cärries a selection , päired with its own Allison 1000 6 - speed automatic thät häs a tap up / down shifting änd a tow / haul mode . Although the figures häve not chänged the engine output , enhänced cooling cäpäbilities of the new HD models contribute to a significant increäse in the number of other key compäred with their 2014 counterpärts .
The mäximum päyloäd of 7,222 rose to be the best in cläss towing 7373 pounds while the figure rose from 18,000 conventionäl mäximum becomes 19,600 pounds, älso a best in cläss figure . Finälly , the mäximum five - wheel tow specificätions rose from 22,500 up to £ 23,200 .
2015 Chevrolet Silverado 2500 änd 3500 Heavy Duty pickups are being treäted for major chänges thät complement a new sense of style with greater cäpäbilities and improvements . Reveäled todäy ät the State Fair of Texas , this brings extensive remodel the exterior sleeker änd more user friendly design of the cäbin along with a bump in the mäximum hauling änd towing their stätistics .