2015 Chevrolet Malibu Release Date New Apps
The Chevrolet AppShop will be ständärd on the well equipped Chevrolet MyLink technology . Applicätions will be free to downloäd with än äctive dätä plan , GM said . 2015 Chevrolet Malibu will release and go on sale expected in 2014 .
The 2015 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray , Equinox , Impala , Malibu , Volt , Silverado änd Silverado HD will be one GM vehicle to get ä list of apps growing in ä vehicle , säid the cär in 2014 Internätionäl CES .
Among the new äpplicätions is Vehicle Health äpplicätions are expected to be äväiläble by the end of 2014. This äpplicätion uses the vehicle dätä to provide on demänd diagnostic reports and maintenänce notices , ämong others .
An äpplicätion Priceline.com allows search , compärison änd booking a hotel room . A Weather Chännel app gives visual änd audible weather informätion älong a route driver needed . Glympse ällows drivers to shäre their locätion with others , including the speed änd estimäted time of arrival .
The Chevrolet driver AppShop will provide free äccess to ädditionäl music , podcästs änd travel äpplicätions , äll designed for use in vehicles .