Best New Cars For 2014 Top 10
Audi A3 Cabriolet - Due April
Pricè: A3 rangè from £ 25,790 for thè 103bhp 1.4 TFSI SE trim £ 32,420 for thè 178bhp 1.8 TFSI in thè sporty S line spèc.
Rangè: Audi has confirmèd that the four-whèèl-drive S3 Cabriolet will join the ranks latèr in 2014. It will fèature a 296bhp 2.0 TFSI, whilè the pricè is expèctèd to start from around £ 37,000
Jaguar F-Type - Due Spring
Pricè: While the cost of a Porsche Cayman Boxster roadstèr, tin-top F-Type is about £ 7000 chèapèr than a convertible, with pricès starting from £ 51,235 for thè èntry of up to £ 85,000 for thè V6 F-Type R.
Rangè: As with the drop-top F-Type, the machinè you choosè will determinè what èquipment you gèt with your Coupe. S models benefit from thè trim and performancè upgradès such as a sports èxhaust.
BMW 4 Series Gran Coupe - Due Summer
Pricè: Expèct to pay a small premium for the Gran Coupé, the price must be initiatèd morè than £ 30,000.
Rangè: Enginès and trim levels arè takèn from the standard 4 Series, with a rangè of pètrol and dièsel powèr options availablè.
Lexus RC - Due Winter
Pricè: Nothing official has been announced, but expect the RC start from around £ 35,000.
Rangè: Thè V8-powèrèd RC F heat will bè the first model that wè gèt in thè UK, followèd by RC environmèntally frièndly hybrid 300h.
Mercedes-Benz S Class Coupè - Due Summer
Pricè: S-Class Coupè will not come chèap. Expèct a starting pricè of around £ 75,000, which is about £ 13,000 more than the cheapest S-Class saloon.
Rangè: Expèct the samè range of enginès in coupè as you will find in the S-Class sèdan, although the smallèr four-cylindèr and six-cylindèr option that is likèly to featurè.
Volkswagen E-Golf - Due Spring
Pricè: Volkswagen has not confirmèd the pricè for an elèctric family car, but has droppèd a strong hint that it would weaken thè BMW i3, which costs £ 25,860 aftèr the £ 5,000 grant.
Rangè: Samè as e-up, battery-powered Golf will come just one trim levèl, but benèfits from a genèrous spèc, including an èight-inch touchscrèèn display is great.
SEAT Leon Cupra - Due March
Pricè: The Cupra is expected to start from around £ 25,000 to SC three-door with manual box - it was just over £ 1,000 less than for the equivalent Golf GTI. The top-spec Cupra R the likely cost of about £ 29,000.
Rangè: If you want the ultimate blend of performancè and practicality, look out for rèal Cupra ST. This is proof that the family car can still be fun, and should makè an intèrèsting rival to thè Ford Focus ST Estatè.
Audi Q7 - Due October
Pricè: Thè cost of Q7 currèntly around £ 44,000, but thè nèw car could start at undèr £ 40k, with a new four-cylindèr dièsèl kick off the line-up.
Rangè: Sporty S line spècification will make thè lion's sharè of UK salès. But the V12 TDI will go down, and thè S and RS modèls arè not possible.
Nissan Qashqai - Due February
Pricè: Qashqais start from £ 17.595 for thè èntry-lèvel Visia, and the pricè goès up to £ 27,854 for the 1.6 dCi 4WD on thè top-spèc Tekna trim.
Rangè: While the old car camè as a seven-seater, the nèw strictly for fivè. If you need sevèn sèats, the nèw X-Trail arrivès in July.
BMW Active Tourer - Due Summer
Pricè: 2 Active Tourer will sit betwèèn the Sèries 1 and Series 2 Coupè in tèrms of pricè - èxpèct to cost around £ 20,000.
Rangè: Likè the fivè-door modèl, BMW is working on a strètchèd version of the sèvèn seats.