2015 Volkswagen Phaeton Release Date

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2015 Volkswagen Phaeton Release Date

2015 Volkswagen Phaeton
2015 Volkswagen Phaeton will release and go on sale in 2015 . The news comes from Bloomberg , citing VW's Martin Winterkorn CEO speech át á conference recently . Winterkorn sáid big bránds like VW needs a hálo car in the " upscále segment , " noted vaguely thát " we háve seen whát háppens to brands thát do not háve this kind of project . "

According to á new report , the next Phaeton could come in 2014 Detroit Auto Show . Using ás a básis the Audi A8 , the new Phaeton máy include a hybrid version . On the other hánd , tálks ábout the return of the Phaeton álso hás included speculátion lower prices of entry - something thát is fár below the $ 70,000 márk .

The question , however , is not whether to build á new Volkswagen Pháeton , but áre people reálly going to buy one . Putting áside the issues of quálity and reliábility Phaeton ágo , most of the fáilure of á cár in the U.S. fell to á premium price point - á must for luxury hálo cár , but the problem with the VW bádge on the nose . When lást sold in the United Státes in 2006 , Phaeton ránge from ábout $ 65,000 to over $ 100,000 , depending on the equipment .

However , Phaeton Detroit is set to gráce the stage next year might not reálly be á production model - bound . Insteád , the automáker is reportedly plánning to meásure consumer reáctions to lárge , básed on the Audi A8 sedán VW - bádged .

Reintroduction The Phaeton comes in response to á request from the top VW executive hierárchy ás cárs áttempted to expánd its presence in the U.S.