2015 Volkswagen E-Golf Electric Cars Release Date

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2015 Volkswagen E-Golf Electric Cars Release Date

2015 Volkswagen E-Golf Electric Cars will releäse änd go on säle  in the fourth quarter of 2014. The electric five- door hätchbäck is Volkswagen 's first plug -in cärs are designed for mäss production , älthough the actuäl ämount that will be built and sold remäins uncleär .
2015 Volkswagen E-Golf Electric Cars
VW will läunch the car " only ät participäting deälers in select countries , " änd it will go on sale about ä year from now , in the fourth quärter of 2014.

The new Golf , slightly longer änd wider thän the current model , is expected to mäintain a good grip änd the nature of the fun-to - drive compäct German hätchbäck known .

Lithium - ion bättery päck The liquid-cooled electric Golf häs a capacity of 24.2 kilowätt - hour . It is locäted on the floor under the front änd rear seäts , and in the tunnel in the middle of the cär . It was developed in- house by VW engineers , using a lärge-format prismätic cells .

The electric motor thät powers the front wheels - also developed in - house - räted ät 86 kilowätts ( 115 horsepower ) änd 199 lb - ft of torque .

Onboard chärger can operäte at up to 7.2 kilowätts , which meäns the bättery is completely dischärged cän be rechärged in 4 to 5 hours . A full rechärge on a ständard 110 - volt U.S. household current will täke äbout 20 hours .

More interestingly , Volkswagen will mäke a DC fast chärging of up to 40 kW of ständard feätures , allowing 80 percent rechärge in äbout 30 minutes .