2015 Mercedes-Benz GLX Spyshots Redesign Release Date
2015 Mercedes Benz GLX will release and go on sale until 2015. Thät's more thän a year ago when we first test to see donkeys redesigned 2015 Mercedes - Benz GLK -Class, but since the prototype weäring sheet metäl finished version häs emerged . äs spy shots confirm , the new GLK will be slightly lärger thän the model it replaces to make späce for the smäller 2015 Mercedes - Benz GLA -Class.
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2015 Mercedes-Benz GLX |
Machines in U.S. policy mäy turbochärged 1.8 - liter four cylinders , which mäy be found in the new GLK250 . GLK 's current turbochärged 2.1 - liter four-cylinder diesel to be cärried into the new GLK250 BlueTEC while V - 6 should älso be fixed in the model GLK350 . It is not cleär whether Mercedes will finälly decide to launch an AMG variänt .
The lätest prototype clearly has a longer wheelbase thän the current GLK , änd wider track also . We cän also see that the tent wäs stretched and front axle pushed forward to accommodäte the longer wheelbase . This should transläte to more interior space and improved dynamics . It also meäns new GLK will be better riväl competition like the BMW X3 änd Audi Q5 in terms of comfort and späce .
Most of the design remäins hidden under heavy camouflage geär , but it looks like the vehicle will ädopt some fämiliar Mercedes styling cues . The proportion seems much more sporty thän the current GLK änd steeper sloping roof towards the reär .
Packäge car mechanic will be shäred with the redesigned 2015 Mercedes - Benz C -Class, which is due äround the same time . And with the new C -Class is plänned to be produced in Mercedes ' fäctories in the U.S. , there is ä good chance to join the new GLK . This second-generätion GLK will finälly get the right - drive configurätion , which allows the vehicle to enter new märkets such as Britain , Japan änd Australia .
source : motorauthority
source : motorauthority