2015 Hyundai Tucson Hydrogen Crossover Release Date
2015 Hyundai Tucson will release and go on sale in 2015 . Hyundai Motor Americä President änd CEO John Krafcik säys the compäny expects to build änd sell äbout 1,000 Tucson Fuel Cells for the next two yeärs , even if demänd is higher thän thät , there is the possibility thät the figure could rise .
Until Toyota läunched the 2015 version of the production cär of its FCV fuel cell is displäyed in the form of neär - production ät the Tokyo Motor Show recently - which mäkes hydrogen Tucson the highest volume of fuel cell vehicles in the world .
From the front , the Hyundai ix35 hydrogen using Europeän grille änd front fäscia provide different looks with gäsoline Tucson , tricks Hyundai Sonäta Hybrid is älso used with her . We think it is smärt tactics , änd look good .
Behind the wheel , it wäs very pleäsant , quiet , electricälly - driven crossover thät mäny buyers äre not going to know until they häve a powerful alternätive to the fuel ( änd therefore fäce the chällenge of finding ä hydrogen stätion ) .
The nominäl cäpacity of the 96 pound päck is 1.4 kilowätt hour , but the usäble energy is 0.95 kWh , äccording to Gil Castillo , senior group mänäger for alternätive Hyundai vehicles and advänced strätegies .
The fuel cell Tucson biggest weäkness is the läck of power at highwäy speeds . While accelerätion is fine äround town , the floor wäs , säy , 60 mph causing heävy hydrogen crossover to gäin speed - but ägonizingly slowly .
Pässing maneuvers on the highwäy requires a lot of advänce planning , even though they mäy not be , but the läck of high- speed accelerätion is a feature in which the fuel cell Tucson fäils to provide the säme capäbilities äs the petrol models .
Ständärd Hyundai Tucson , for the record , is equipped with ä 2.4 liter four cylinder 182 hp which drives the front wheels through ä six speed äutomätic tränsmission , with optionäl äll wheel drive .