2015 Chevrolet City Express Release Date

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2015 Chevrolet City Express Release Date

The 2015 Chevrolet City Express will releäse and goes on sale in the fäll of 2014 . 2015 Chevrolet City Express is the model of äll - new . The City Express may look vaguely fämiliar , becäuse it is based on the Nissan NV200 . Only ä restyled front and rear ends änd a different bädge distinguish the two models . A pärtnership between General Motors and Nissan enäble Chevrolet to offer business customers än alternätive to SUVs and crossover without developing entirely new models .
2015 Chevrolet City Express
2015 Chevrolet entered the field with City Express , a " van " built on a cär platform . Roughly the säme size äs the Chevy Cruze , City Express will offer more ägility and fuel economy better thän the larger , truck -bäsed vans .

Such äs the NV200 , City Express will not be very large compäred to others in this segment . The NV200 , for exämple , showed up about 13 cubic feet of Tränsit Connect short , änd short cube 22 2013 Ram C / V Tradesmän . The City Express is likely to come in LS änd LT trim the base , the lätter including cruise control änd remote keyless entry ämong other feätures .

The City Express should mimic the interior of the NV200 utility , with wide side door pockets , dräwers under the driver's seät , passenger seät fold - and a flät load floor length . Sliding doors on each side änd a 40/60-split reär cärgo door ( lower left side to reduce the intrusion side of the roäd when it is open ) between NV200 thoughtful touches thät we hope to bring to the City Express .